Connect 2 Home – last year’s event
7 August 2024 at People First Stadium
Official opening at 8:30am by the Deputy Mayor Donna Gates, Minister for Housing Meaghan Scanlon and our major sponsors.
The event cannot be held without the generous support of our major sponsors: Gold Coast Suns, People First Stadium, Gold Coast Community Fund, ABC Gold Coast, O’Brien’s Catering, Kinetic and the City of Gold Coast.
We also receive generous support from our corporate and community sponsors: Bunnings Burleigh, Bunnings Mermaid, Dominos Nerang, Earth Markets Robina, Event Marquees , Food Bank QLD, Genesis Church, Nerang RSL, Palm Beach, Woolworths
Thank you to Volunteering Gold Coast for arranging the Nerang shuttle bus sponsored by Meaghan Scanlon MP, Member for Gaven.
The C2H Working Group is made up of major sponsors and members of the GCHN who contribute their time to make the event happen: City of Gold Coast, Community Housing Qld Ltd, Department of Housing, Footprints, Gold Coast Suns, Gold Coast Youth Service, Liz Fritz OAM, Queensland Health, Salvation Army, St Vincent de Paul Society Qld, Uniting Care Qld, Volunteering GC & Wesley Mission Qld.
Its wonderful to see our community working together to make the Gold Coast a great place to live.
Details on our 2025 event
The event is held on the first Wednesday in August as part of National Homelessness Week – 6 August 2025.
The event will open at 8am for a hot breakfast only, the donations and service areas will commence after the official opening at 8:30am.
It is a FREE event for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in our community.
Gold Coast Connect2Home assists people to create pathways, open doors, raise awareness, and access community support through a one-stop shop, whilst providing services in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. We aim to have a balance between community and professional services that people can access across the year whilst creating a safe and fun experience for all.

Donations please see below
Gold Coast residents experiencing homelessness and those at risk of homelessness will benefit from your donations.
GCHN is very grateful for the generosity of the community.
Contact for more info

Volunteering Volunteering GC
There are many opportunities to be able to support the event through volunteering.
GCHN thanks the applicants for generously donating their time.
Thank you to everyone
Please see below a small video of the event.